• First Lock and Security Technologies
    First Lock and Security Technologies
  • First Lock and Security Technologies
    First Lock and Security Technologies
  • First Lock and Security Technologies
    First Lock and Security Technologies
  • First Lock and Security Technologies
    First Lock and Security Technologies

Troubleshooting Electronic Locks; What to Do if Your Digital Lock is Not Working in Saratoga, CA

Electronic locks are extremely convenient and great at stopping unwanted visitors from getting inside your home or business. However, as with other types of locks, you hope they never accidentally lock you out! On occasion, you may find yourself stuck outside of your building unable to gain entry. Fortunately, there are ways to troubleshoot your…

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Best Practices to Improve the Security of Your Santa Clara, CA Business Premises in 2023

Your brick-and-mortar store or office space is one of your business’ most valuable assets, and you definitely want to protect it from theft and break-ins. Business owners and managers have many tasks and responsibilities but security should be a priority. First Lock & Security Technologies offers helpful tips to upgrade your commercial facility security to…

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How Can I Make My Front Door More Secure in Sunnyvale, CA? Install Deadbolt Lock, Upgrade Entry & More

Even a front entry door that looks secure might actually be vulnerable. When you take a look at home break-in statistics, you quickly see why front door security is so important. There are several approaches you can take to improve your front door security, but the best is a layered approach. First Lock & Security…

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When Should Commercial Locks Be Changed in Mountain View, CA? Lost Office Keys, After Moving In & More

Business owners and managers need to always remain vigilant to the dangers that may inflict their businesses. Whereas most will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of their staff and business premises, some fail to take care of some important basics like secure locks. Today, First Lock & Security Technologies outlines some of…

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Importance of Working Door Locks in Stanford, CA & Locksmith Services for Damaged or Failing Locking Systems

Locks keep our homes, businesses, people, pets, assets and possessions safe from intruders, criminals, and unwanted guests. We rely on them every day and it is a serious problem when they don’t perform correctly. Lock failures have the potential to result in lock-ins, lockouts, and the uncertainty and stress of knowing that your residential or…

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Why Do My Key Copies Not Work in the Locks of My East Palo Alto, CA Home? Duplicate Keys Must Be Precise & More

Does this scenario sound familiar? You have lived in your home for many years but haven’t changed the locks since you moved in. Over time, you lost the original keys that came with your lock and as a result, you have made many duplicate house keys along the way. Unfortunately, when duplicating a duplicate key…

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